Category: News

  • New article: Why is the digital economy so unequal?

    New article on the Palgrave Macmillan author insights page, taking on the question: Why is the Digital Economy so Unequal? Enjoy and share!

  • Free sample chapter through October 23rd: Sharing economy case study

    Through October 23rd 2018, Palgrave Macmillian is offering Chapter 8 of the book as a free download. Technology and Inequality Case Study: The Sharing Economy Enjoy it while it’s here!

  • New article at IAI news

    An article on the tech industry and wealth inequality based on the book recently appeared on the British current affairs site IAI news. Short link here: The article, part of a special issue entitled “Don’t Be Evil: Should we fear the growing influence of the tech giants?“, is another take on the argument that…

  • The book is out!

    The book is out!

    We’re excited to announce that the new book Technology and Inequality: Concentrated Wealth in a Digital World, published by Palgrave Macmillan, has been released. Why is an increasingly digital world becoming such an unequal one? And what can be done about it? This book tries to find new answers by looking at the wealth created,…